Canvas Student Mobile App

Download for mobile device

Launch the app, then search for CSU Dominguez Hills or CSUDH to find your courses.

Mobile App Sign In Instructions

Tap Find my school.

Canvas Student Mobile app screen. Find my school button is highlighted.

In the textbox, enter CSUDH.

Canvas student mobile app's "what is your school's name" screen. Textbox is highlighted.

When the suggestions appear, tap CSU Dominguez Hills or CSUDH.

Canvas student mobile app's "what is your school's name" screen. CSUDH is entered. The results "CSU Dominguez Hills" and "CSUDH" are highlighted.

When the CSUDH Authentication Service page for Canvas displays, sign in with your CSUDH username and password and tap Sign in.

CSUDH Authentication Service page for Canvas. Contains username and password textboxes, button to sign in, and links for retrieving a forgotten username and password.