Import a Zoom Meeting into a Canvas Course

If you scheduled a Zoom meeting from the CSUDH Zoom portal ( and want it to display in your Canvas course through the Zoom page, do the following steps.

Video Tutorial

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Collect the Zoom meeting’s Meeting ID from the CSUDH Zoom portal.

Zoom meetings page with scheduled meeting containing name and start, edit and delete buttons. Meeting ID is highlighted.

2. Open your Canvas course.
3. Go to the course navigation menu on the left and click the Zoom.
Note: If you do not see the Zoom link in the course menu, go to the Canvas course settings page to set up the link.

Canvas course navigation menu with a mouse cursor hovering over the Zoom link.

4. Click the three-dot icon next to Schedule a New Meeting found on the right.

Zoom page with mouse cursor hovering over three-dot icon on the right side of the page.

5. When the menu appears, click Import Meeting.

Zoom page displaying menu with mouse cursor hovering over "Import meeting" menu item on the right side of the page.

6. Enter the meeting ID and click Import.

Import meeting modal window with Meeting ID textbox with a mouse cursor hovering over the Import button.

The meeting will appear in the list of meetings.

Zoom page highlighting the newly imported meeting containing the meeting name, Meeting ID, and start and delete buttons.

If the meeting has a recording, the recording will appear in the Cloud Recordings tab.

Zoom page with mouse hovering over the Cloud Recordings tab. A cloud recording of the recorded meeting displays on the page.