Turnitin Assignment (External Tool)

 1. Enter Your Course in Canvas

course main page
Assignments navigation link selected

3. Click +Assignment Button

+Assignment button selected

4. Type the Activity Name

Name field selected

5. Type instructions for the students

Textbox selected

6. Set Grade Points.

Note: You will need to set the same number of grade points in Step 14 below.

Points field selected

7. Set Submission Type to External Tool

External tool selected

8. Click Find

You can also check “Load this tool in a new tab” to load the Turnitin assignment in a new window. Loading in a new window will give you and your students more viewing space. This is sometimes helpful for users on a smaller (or smaller resolution) laptop.

Find button selected

9. In the Configure External Tool scroll down to choose “Turnitin Assignment”

Tip: You may need to expand the size of the dialog box to be able to easily scroll through the list of external tools.

Turnitin Assignment selected

10. Click the Select button at the bottom

Select button selected

11. Click on Save at the bottom

Save button selected

12. Turnitin External Tool Assignment now open

Turnitin webpage

13. Click on the Settings tab

Settings tab is selected.

14. Adjust the Maximum Grade, the Start date, the Due date, and Feedback release date

Be sure to set the Max Grade field to be the same integer as you did in Step 5 above. The Start date must be before the Due date. Likewise, the Due date must be on or before the Feedback release date. The Feedback release date determines when students will see their grades and comments from within the Turnitin link.

Maximum grade field is selected.

15. Enable PeerMark if desired

Read the guide on using PeerMark if you want to learn more about it.

PeerMark link

16. Select Optional settings if desired

Read this guide to learn how to use the Optional Settings.

The default Optional settings are fine for most Turnitin assignments. However, you may want to add a rubric or allow late submissions or allow students to view the Similarity Report. In those cases, you can then click on Optional settings.

Optional Settings link

17. Click on Submit when you are finished

Submit button is selected.

18. Settings saved is displayed

Settings were saved successfully