Set Announcement Notification E-mails

Learn how to customize your Canvas notification settings to receive email copies of announcements you create in your course. Follow the steps below to adjust your account notifications.

Go to the global navigation bar on the left and click Account.

Global navigation bar with links for account, dashboard, courses, and groups. Account is highlighted.

When the panel appears, click Notifications.

Account panel displaying links for different settings. Notifications is highlighted.

Note the banner at the top of the page. Changes to notifications on this page are at the account level.

Notification settings page displaying banner about account-level notifications. Banner is highlighted. "Settings for" section highlights Account. Below that section are notification types with notification icons.

Scroll the page down to the notification called Announcement Created By You.

Notification types display with notification icons. Notifications listed are files, announcement, and announcement created by you.

Click the notification icon found to the right of the notification.

Notification icon found to the right of the "Announcement Created By You" is highlighted.

When the menu appears, select Notify immediately.

Notification icon expands to display a menu. "Notify immediately" is highlighted.

The notification icon will change to green bell icon to indicate that it is enabled.

The icon to the right of "Announcement Created By You" is highlighted and has changed to a green bell icon.

When the next announcement is created in your course, Canvas will send a copy of your course announcement to your CSUDH email address.

For more information on Canvas notifications, see the links below.